The Undertaker Featured In New Onnit Documentary True Wrestling

The Undertaker made a guest appearance on a mini-documentary presented by Onnit Stories, a video series depicting the lives of individuals achieving goals through fitness and physical well-being. The most recent episode, entitled ‘True Wrestling’, follows the careers of upstart tag team Aaron Solow and Ricky Starks. At the six-minute mark, The Undertaker (real name Mark Calaway) spent time with the young wrestlers reflecting on life on the road.

The Undertaker is featured in a new documentary from Onnit called ‘True Wrestling’ where he shares advice and road stories with independent wrestling stars Aaron Solow and Ricky Starks. Undertaker also talks about telling stories with in-ring work, working on the fly if things go wrong, what talent can learn from the indies and use later in their careers and much more.

When speaking about his longevity in the business, and if he ever had thoughts of quitting, The Undertaker said:

“At the tail end now, I really have to put everything in perspective. What damage am I doing to myself, and to my life after wrestling? When I was going full-time—no—even when the business took a real nosedive, you’re thinking ‘how are we going to get out of this?’ ‘What are we going to do?’ You know, we’re going to work harder.

It was the one thing I was really good at, in my mind anyway—I don’t know if anyone else feels that way, that’s another story—but in my mind it felt like it was always where I belonged and what I should be doing. Obviously there were times when money—instead of thinking ‘man, I have to go get a job at the Jiffy Lube, and I’ll figure out something else later on’—I thought ‘what can we do to make this product where people want to come see it again?’”

Towards the end of the video, The Undertaker told Solow and Starks that their journey was ‘just a rung on the ladder’. Taker talked about how their journey through the independent scene would aid them throughout their careers:

“You’ll draw from this later on. Something will happen, somewhere down the line, you’ll go out for a Royal Rumble or something like that, and you’re going to draw from something that’s happening on these indies. It’s going to be like [claps, snaps fingers] ‘hey I got it’. It happens all the time. Everything is happening for a reason, it’s preparing you for bigger things.”

Thunder Rosa, Peter Avalon, ACH, MJF and many more familiar indie talents can be spotted in the documentary. The full video can be seen below:

(Transctription credit to Bill Pritchard for
