Is Bret Michaels Bald Without Wig, What Happened To His Hair? Before and After Pics

Since 1983, Bret Michaels has been rocking out for 40 years with the popular band Poison.

Bret is essentially Poison’s face, as anyone with a genuine interest in 80s rock bands is aware. But the artist behind the popular song “Custom Built” had to build a brand to accomplish this.

For this musician, presenting himself with a wild haircut has been an utterly successful technique, especially when differentiating himself from the crowd. After all, everyone knows Brett as the man wearing the red bandana. And we seldom ever see him without his distinctive hairdo.

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What Happened To Bret Michaels Hair?

Bret Michaels might have to permanently alter his appearance. For almost 40 years, the singer has been associated with his long blond hair and red bandana, but that style might no longer be in the cards for the performer. How come, though?

He isn’t, in fact, the same young man who initially stood up on stage, which is the real reality. Bret was just twenty years old when he had his first break in 1983. Bret is fighting hair loss now that he is almost fifty-seven, just like many guys in his age group.

Bret has been able to conceal his issue for so long because of his red bandana, claims a Hair-Line Ink story. A strategically placed hair item might cover any signs of eventual baldness. If not permanently, then momentarily.

However, in the long run, a bandana cannot be used to conceal a completely bald head. Although some people might find the answer odd, hair professionals find it to make a lot of sense. Bret uses hair extensions as a strategy to prevent his timeless appearance from deteriorating completely as he gets older.

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Before and After Pics of Bret Michaels

Bret has appeared on Celebrity Apprentice and has his own reality show where he looks for love (twice). He was thought to have passed away due to significant health issues, but he is now back on top and traveling again.

He used to be a genuine bad boy, but his most recent health scare has caused him to truly clean up his act. He even reconnected with his 16-year ex-girlfriend (his baby mama). 

Here is Bret Michael’s before and after pics:

Is Bret Michaels Bald Without Wig?

According to a February 21, 2008 piece in Rolling Stone, Michael is bald without a wig. We can all agree that he must be balding underneath that bandana.

He probably pulls a Hulk Hogan and wears his hair long around the sides to make it appear like he has a full head of hair. However, we have only seen him wearing the bandana as a headband in a few scenes on the rock of love, so we would assume that was a wig.

Bret Michaels said on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” in his first television interview after being rushed to the hospital on April 21 due to a brain hemorrhage that he wore his signature bandana the entire time.
