The Untold Truth Of Rock Hudson

Unfortunately, Rock Hudson's relationships with women were complicated. While he was close with friends such as Liz Taylor, he struggled in his marriage to Phyllis Gates. His agent Henry Willson reportedly wanted to counteract rumors about the actor's sexuality, so he came up with a plan for Hudson to marry his secretary, Phyllis, according to Vanity Fair. The marriage only lasted three years.

In 1958, Phyllis confronted her husband and demanded to know if he was gay. The conversation was recorded by private eye Fred Otash, a detective that Phyllis had hired to spy on Hudson, according to The Hollywood Reporter. At one point, Phyllis said to Rock: "Everyone knows that you were picking up boys off the street shortly after we were married and have continued to do so, thinking that being married would cover up for you." The actor responded by denying picking up boys in the street.

Phyllis also accused Rock, who was 32 at the time, of lasting longer in the bedroom with men than he did with her, to which he said, "Well, it's a physical conjunction [sic]. Boys don't fit. So, this is why it lasts longer." The actor was 59 when he died of AIDS in 1985, but he never publicly admitted that he was gay.
